Monday, February 24, 2020

Feuerbach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Feuerbach - Essay Example In this era, many people had already said popular words, thoughts and quotes which could influence and flare up the interests and emotions of mankind. Such sayings could either influence man for the better or for the worst. The quotes written above where the words spoken by the famous German philosopher and anthropologist, Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach, of whom, as a child was very religious, but while attending the Gymnasium in Ansbach, he was introduced by his tutor to the speculative Christian theology propounded by the Hegelian theologian Karl Daub at Heidelberg University. (Harvey) Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach, was born in Landshut, Bavaria. His family was one of the prominent people in their district. While studying at the Heidelberg University, he was greatly influenced by the Hegelian philosophy of which, George Frederick Hegel, philosopher and historian has often searched for the truth. As a philosopher of history, Hegel's concerns were primarily focused upon the finding of basic truths regarding the nature of reality. Because he seeks metaphysical "first principles" of nature, his results cannot judged through outside sources or objective facts, but only through individual reflection and inspiration. In contrast, the philosopher of history is expected to rely almost wholly upon facts, and to avoid the contamination of "bias." (Burell) In his youth, Feuerbach was enchanted by Hegels theory and was associated with the group known as the "Young Hegelians". While studying masters in Berlin, he still was not able to reconcile in his belief of the personal deity with the pure Vernunft of Hegelian philosophy and when the Hegelian influence begins to slacken, he then later rejected Hegels philosophy of idealism. Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach completed his education at Erlangen at the Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen-Nuremberg with the study of natural science. His first book, published anonymously, Gedanken ber Tod und Unsterblichkeit (1830), contains an attack on personal immortality and an advocacy of the Spinozistic immortality of reabsorption in nature. These principles, combined with his embarrassing manner of public speaking, debarred him from academic advancement. After some years of struggling, during which he published his Geschichte der neueren Philosophie (2 vols., 1833-1837, 2nd ed. 1844), and Abelard und Heloise (1834, 3rd ed. 1877), he married in 1837 and lived a rural existence at Bruckberg near Nuremberg, supported by his wife's share in a small porcelain factory.(Wikipedia) In his works, he had always attacked religion by saying that; "That Christianity has in fact long vanished not only from the reason but from the life of mankind, that it is nothing more than a fixed idea" His attacks to religion were then followed up by his most popular and important work written last 1841 entitled Das Wesen des Chrisantemums. It was the translated into English by George Eliot in 1853 which is now entitled "The Essence of Christianity". The Essence of Christianity was divided into two parts; Part 1: The True or Anthropological Essence of Religion and Part 2: The False Theological Essence of Religion. In the first part, Chapter 15, he speaks about the mystery

Saturday, February 8, 2020

OSHA Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

OSHA - Case Study Example Highest Priority Standards 1. Division D Manufacturing, 3537 Industrial Trucks, Tractors, Trailers, and Stackers. This standard applies because the company uses lift trucks and similar equipment. 2. Division D Manufacturing, 2865 Cyclic Organic Crudes and Intermediates, and Organic Dyes and Pigments. This standard applies because of the use of paint and other chemicals. 3. Division D Manufacturing, 3563 Air and Gas Compressors. This standard applies because of the use of painting equipment and compressors. 4. Division D Manufacturing, 3541 Machine Tools, Metal Cutting Types. This is necessary because of the materials that are cut. 5. Division D Manufacturing, 3542 Machine Tools, Metal Forming Types. This is necessary because the materials are sheared. 6. Division D Manufacturing, 3547 Rolling Mill Machinery and Equipment. This standard is necessary because a mill is used. 7. Division D Manufacturing, 3546 Power Driven Hand Tools. This Standard is necessary because of the use of offha nd grinders. 8. Division D Manufacturing, 3548 Electric and Gas Welding and Soldering Equipment. This standard is necessary because of the handling and use of welding machines. 9. Division D Manufacturing, 3412Metal Shipping Barrels, Drums, Kegs, and Pails. This standard is important because of the types of items processed. 10. Division E 4783 Packing and Crating. This standard is necessary because of the packaging and shipping of finished products. 11. Division D Manufacturing 3444 Sheet Metal Work. This standard is necessary because sheet metal is handled and used in the establishment. 12. Division D Manufacturing 3441 Fabricated Structural Metal. This standard applies because metal racks are made. 13. Division D Manufacturing 3356 Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding of Nonferrous Metals, Except Copper and Aluminum. This standard applies because cold and hot rolled rods are used. 14. Division D Manufacturing 2655 Fiber Cans, Tubes, Drums, and Similar Products. This is a necessary stan dard because the movement of drums is performed. 15. Division D Manufacturing 3531 Construction Machinery and equipment. This standard is important because an overhead crane is used. Question 2) Name four important written programs this company is required to have (keep in mind that not all standards (e.g. 1910.95 Industrial Noise) require that you develop a written program or SOP of some sort, though many companies develop such SOPs regardless). Explain why you believe they are required to have these written programs. Answer – Many companies are required to have written programs. Bubba’s should have a written fire escape and prevention procedure. This is necessary because the use of welders and chemicals in the same building pose a huge fire hazard. Another written program should list employee uniform requirements. Proper footwear, gloves, and respirators are necessary to prevent accidents from slipping, and chemicals. A third written program should list hazard commun ication. It is important for employees to be informed about different chemicals that are being used and how to handle an emergency. The final written program necessary for Bubbas is for employees to be aware of visits to ensure proper work safety. This can help make the workplace safer. Regardless of what business is being conducted, it is important to meet all rules and regulations set by OSHA. Each business that provides services will have different divisions and categories that must follow the given rules. Following these rules will